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NoSQL Document Database Queries


-          To check the current database list

cmd> show dbs;

-          To drop database

cmd> db.dropdatabase( );

-          To create collection

cmd> db.createCollection(“collection name”);


Use <collection name>

-          To insert a document into the collection

cmd> db.collectionname.insert([{}]); //insert many documents or one document

          db.collectionname.insertOne({}); //inserts one document

          db.collectionname.insertMany([{},{}]); //insert many documents

-          To Print data in Json format

cmd> db.collectionname.find( ).forEach(printjson);

-          Basic Find command return entire collection data

cmd> db.collectionname.find({} )

-       Search for a specific record and output should be in json format

cmd> db.collectionname.find({“fieldname”: value}).forEach(printjson)

 output will be:


“id”: ObjectId(“5b75cb657cb6057d416abef67”),


“emloyeename”: ”User”


-          Search for an employee whose value is greater than 2 and print out in json

Here we use query selection operator which is $gt and below is the query

and here is the link for query selection operators :


-          If you want to limit the output results, then we need to use the following query

cmd> db.collectionname.find({}).limit(10)

-          Orders: One can specify the order of documents to be returned based on ascending or descending order of any key in the collection. Here is the command

cmd> db.collectionname.find({}).sort(“employeeid”:-1)

//-1 indicates that we want to return the documents based on the descending order of emplyeeid

-          To get the total count of the collection, we use this query

cmd> db.collectionname.count();

-          To delete a single document from the collection, then we need to run the following query

cmd> db.collectionname.remove({document ID});

-          To update a field or attribute in collection, then we need to run the following queries

Ø  Single Value

cmd> db.collectionname.update({“employeeId”:1},


Ø  Multiple Value

cmd> db.collectionname.update({“employeeId”:1},

{$set:{“ employename”:”test”, “employeeid”:22}});

NOTE: If you are using NoSQL booster, search for required document using find command, then you will see the output in Json format, now you go and change the it tree format, then right click on the any attribute you will see list of actions that you can perform, then click on “Edit Document” action, then it will opens in new tab and here you can update or add any attribute in that document and once done click F5 and it will updates the document successfully. --- In this process you can View Document, Edit Document, Add Document, Remove Document(s), Add Field, Remove Field/Value(S), Edit Field Value/Type and Rename Field etc. This reduces using of queries.

Screenshots will be provided soon…..

-          And, or condition to check multiple conditions at one run

cmd> db.collectionnames.find({$and:[





cmd> db.collectionnames.find({$and:[





-          Query by Data range, use starDate and endDate fields to set the range you want to look for and get results ordered by date in descending order

cmd> db.getCollection(“collection name”).aggregate(











“endDate”:”{$lte: ISODate(“2019-02-02T00:00.000-05:00”)},





db.getCollection(“collection name”).aggregate(



“$addFields”: {


“$month”: “$lastUpdateDt”



“$addFields”: {


“$year”: “$lastUpdateDt”





“month(lastUpdateDt)”: 3,

“year(lastUpdateDt)”: 2019



“$limit: 100


-          Regular Expression

cmd> db.collectionname.find({“_id”:{$regex:”PRE.*}}) // this will search for a document starting with PRE in it

db.collectionname.find({“_id”:{$regex:”.*PRE.*}}) //this will search for a document has PRE in the id

-          Query by any attribute and instead of returning all attributes in the collection, by this query you can only display the attributes that you want to

cmd> db.collectionname.find({“_id”:”12345”},{“”:1,”action.status”:1,”products.price.lob”:1});

-          Aggregate query

cmd> db.collectionname.aggregate([


{$unwind: “$policies”},







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